Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm back bitches!!

Hey dudes! I'm back.

I know you were holding your breath for some time. So, sorry... but not really, 'cause I had a lot of other shit going on and so did you.

Alright, let's see what's in CreeperSanta's grab bag for you today:

A solid blind date story for starters! This one involves entering and winning a contest for the prizes (great head-to-toe makeover and dinner/drinks on Valentines day). I tried to get 'randomly' matched with my gay best friend (to no avail), but instead ended up getting paired with a dude who turned out to be very nice and chivalrous, and more a self-proclaimed "Chatty Kathy" than the Craiglist Killer - as mom so optimistically predicted he may turn out to be.

The second dinner, however, was when the real fun started. That's when, oh let's call him Andy, began to ceaselessly reference his co-workers anal play.

You heard me.

For a solid hour, Ol' Chatty Andy here decides to regale me with the second-hand account of his colleague's full-fist encounter! Naturally I couldn't resist volleying my fair share of funnies along those lines (how could I resist?), though he was more than happy to continue incorporating explicit anus references throughout rest of the night, even as far as my driveway.

At that point I gave him a loose passenger-seat-pity-hug-pat-on-back combo, 'jokingly' told him to go home and spryly hopped from the near moving vehicle.

Note to self (and you): Save anal refs for later on. You know. Like the third date... or never... or when you have explicit confirmation that your date is looking for that kind of action (i.e. when you pay for it or if you found each other on ManHunt.com).

Alright, onwards and uh, upwards.

Check out this awesome asshole! Damn it. Ha, sorry, no more anal talk.

Keeper! Pepaw's got moves and some decent taste in beats! (A thousand thaaannnkth to iZak for the heads up on this one)!

Also, take a second for Honey Badger, even though Honey Badger don't give a shit.

And, if you're still in the mood for entertainment, take a sharp left turn and check out Kingsley Division covering the old jazz standard/Ella Fitzgerald tune, Angel Eyes.


Or, maybe in honor of #CharlieSheenIsOutOfHisFuckingMindMonth, we'll call today's trio #Winners. #Bi-Winners to be more precise.

kbye for now.